Oracle密碼文件 |
發(fā)布時間: 2012/9/13 16:50:21 |
創(chuàng)建Oracle密碼文件的命令 orapwd file=<> password=<> entries=最大數(shù)目 這里的file命名規(guī)則在unix/linux下orapw<Oracle_SID>,在windows下為 pwd<SID>.ora
Administrator's Reference 10g Release 2 (10.2) for UNIX-Based Operating Systems. 1. Log in as the Oracle software owner. (以Oracle管理員身份登入) 2. Use the orapwd utility to create the password file as follows(使用orapwd功能創(chuàng)建密碼文件): $ $Oracle_HOME/bin/orapwd file=filename password=password entries=max_users filename The name of the file in which password information is written(filename指密碼信息保存文件的文件名) The name of the file must be orapwsid, and you must supply the full path name. Its contents are encrypted. Typically,the password file is created in the $Oracle_HOME/dbs directory.(文件名必須為orapwsid,并需要提供完整路徑,內容是加密的,通常情況下,密碼文件被創(chuàng)建在$ORACLE_HOME/dbs路徑下。) 請注意,unix環(huán)境中,password file一定是要用 orapw<SID>,沒有例外。
Platform. Guide 10g Release 2 (10.2) for Microsoft Windows (32-Bit)
C:> orapwd FILE=pwdsid.ora PASSWORD=password ENTRIES=max_users where | FILE specifies the password filename. | SID identifies the database instance. | PASSWORD sets the password for account SYS. | ENTRIES sets maximum number of entries in password file. This corresponds to maximum number of distinct users allowed to connect to the database simultaneously with either the SYSDBA or the SYSOPER DBA privilege.
In search of the password file,Oracle Database looks in the registry for the value of parameter ORA_SID_PWFILE. If no value is specified, then it looks in the registry for the value of parameter ORA_PWFILE, which points to a file containing usernames, passwords, and privileges. If that is not set, then it uses the default: Oracle_BASEORACLE_HOMEDATABASEPWDsid.ORA. The default value is shared. 請注意,windows環(huán)境中,很大的部分是基于registry中變量ora_sid_pwfile 或者 ora_pwfile的設置, 缺省的值是 pwd<SID>.ora (unix中是沒有這個.ora后綴的)。
1.這是因為Oracle采用了OS認證的方式,具體的可以查看 sqlnet.ora具體同容如下 SQLNET.AUTHENTICATION_SERVICES=(NTS) 將其改成SQLNET.AUTHENTICATION_SERVICES=(NONE) 這樣就是Oracle認證方式了 2.因為用的OS認證方式,可以在操作系統(tǒng)->控制面版->計算機管理->用戶將當前用戶的屬性組 ORA_DBA去掉,這時如果沒有用戶名及密碼則不可以。 如下: SQL> connect /as sysdba ERROR:ORA-01031: insufficient privileges SQL> connect sys/Oracle as sysdba 已連接。
利用 orapwd重新創(chuàng)建一個就可以了。 本文出自:億恩科技【】 |