
始創(chuàng)于2000年 股票代碼:831685
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發(fā)布時間:  2012/9/4 17:15:00


在RAC的一個節(jié)點上創(chuàng)建一個single instance,利用DBCA創(chuàng)建,當配置完成開始創(chuàng)建時報錯

Error: ORA-29702
Text: error occurred in Cluster Group Service operation Cause: An unexpected error occurred while performing a CGS operation. -

Action: Verify that the LMON process is still active. Also, check the Oracle
 LMON trace files for errors.解決辦法 執(zhí)行一下兩個命令

sfc3rc1:/apps/Oracle/product/10.2.0/rdbms/lib$ make -f ins_rdbms.mk ops_off
        rm -f /apps/Oracle/product/10.2.0/lib/libskgxp10.a
        cp /apps/Oracle/product/10.2.0/lib//libskgxpd.a /apps/oracle/product/10.2.0/lib/libskgxp10.a
        rm -f /apps/Oracle/product/10.2.0/lib/libskgxn2.a
        cp /apps/Oracle/product/10.2.0/lib//libskgxns.a  /apps/oracle/product/10.2.0/lib/libskgxn2.a
/bin/ar -X64 d /apps/Oracle/product/10.2.0/rdbms/lib/libknlopt.a kcsm.o
        /bin/ar -X64 cr /apps/Oracle/product/10.2.0/rdbms/lib/libknlopt.a /apps/oracle/product/10.2.0/rdbms/lib/ksnkcs.o
Target "ops_off" is up to date.
sfc3rc1:/apps/Oracle/product/10.2.0/rdbms/lib$ make -f ins_rdbms.mk install
        chmod 755 /apps/Oracle/product/10.2.0/bin
        rm -f Oracle dbv tstshm maxmem orapwd dbfsize cursize  genoci extproc extproc32 hsalloci hsots hsdepxa dgmgrl dumpsga mapsga  osh sbttest expdp impdp imp exp sqlldr rman hsodbc          tg4sybs   nid  extjob extjobo genezi ikfod grdcscan  /apps/oracle/product/10.2.0/rdbms/lib/ksms.s /apps/oracle/product/10.2.0/rdbms/lib/ksms.o
就不翻譯 參看metalink上的介紹AIX: ORA-29702 When Creating A Single Instance Database In A Clustered Environment [ID 198901.1]
Error: ORA-29702
Text: error occurred in Cluster Group Service operation
Cause: An unexpected error occurred while performing a CGS operation.
Action: Verify that the LMON process is still active. Also, check the Oracle
 LMON trace files for errors.

Solution Description

1) reinstall Oracle software by de-selecting Oracle Parallel Server option.
2) deinstall Oracle Parallel Server option and relink oracle kernel.
   It is possible to do it manually by entering the following commands:

   cd Oracle_HOME/rdbms/lib
   make -f ins_rdbms.mk no_parropt or make -f ins_rdbms.mk ops_off
   make -f ins_rdbms.mk install


High Availability Group Services (HAGS) is not configured .
When creating a single instance database in a clustered environment, if you
have a cluster software installed, then OUI detects it and installs Oracle
Parallel Server option by default.



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